At YogaKoh, we know yoga is about so much more than physical postures – it's about balancing the energies in your body. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of chakras: what they are, why they matter, how they affect your experiences, and how they can elevate your yoga practice and your daily life.Â
Chakras are the body’s energy centers that influence and regulate your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Your chakras help you feel grounded, creative, confident, expressive, intuitive, and spiritually connected. When they’re balanced, you’ll feel aligned and at ease mentally and physically – and when they’re blocked, you may experience stress, discomfort, or a sense of disconnection with yourself.Â
As a foundational element in yogic philosophy, mastering the chakras offers a powerful framework for understanding your body, mind, and spirit. By practicing yoga with heightened awareness of the chakras, you’ll gain tools to address emotional blocks, increase your sense of self, work towards inner peace, and create a more intentional and balanced practice.Â
Let’s explore the energies within you!
Root Chakra – Muladhara Chakra
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Location: Base of the spine
Your Root Chakra is thought to be the foundation of the chakra system, the root. It governs your survival instincts, grounds you, and gives you inner strength and security. The Muladhara Chakra influences your overall physical health, specifically throughout your spine, legs, and feet.
Postures that activate the Muladhara Chakra are Mountain Pose, Warrior I, and Garland Pose. Within these poses, focus on deep belly breaths to energize your Root Chakra, enhancing stability and grounding yourself.
Sacral Chakra – Svadhisthana Chakra
Color: Orange
Element: WaterÂ
Location: Below the belly button
Your Sacral Chakra influences your creativity, emotions, and sensuality. With its symbol being water, the Svadhisthana Chakra is thought to be fluid, dynamic, and sexual, ruling your reproductive systems and your pleasure.
Postures to activate your Sacral Chakra are Bound Angle Pose, Goddess Pose, and Pigeon Pose. Be sure to focus on engaging through your lower core, pelvis, and hips to release unbalanced energies in the Svadhisthana Chakra.Â
Solar Plexus Chakra – Manipura Chakra
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Location: Upper abdomen
Your Solar Plexus Chakra rules your confidence, willpower, personality, and identity, directly influencing your metabolism and digestion. If your Manipura Chakra is blocked, you may feel indecisive, insecure, or have trouble taking on responsibilities.
Postures to activate your Manipura Chakra and align your powerful, confident energies are Boat Pose, Warrior III, and Bow Pose.
Heart Chakra – Anahata Chakra
Color: Green
Element: Air
Location: Heart center
Your Heart Chakra dictates love, passion, gentleness, and the balance of your emotions. Within your physical body, your Anahata Chakra influences your heart, blood circulation, and lungs.Â
Postures to stimulate your Anahata Chakra are Camel Pose, Cobra Pose, Bridge Pose, and other physically heart-opening or chest-broadening poses.Â
Throat Chakra – Vishuddha Chakra
Color: Blue
Element: Space
Location: Neck / throat
Your Throat Chakra encourages your communication abilities and self-expression, and is symbolic of truth. The throat, vocal cords, and thyroid are all heavily influenced by your Vishuddha Chakra.
Postures to engage your Vishuddha Chakra are Plow Pose, Fish Pose, and Shoulder Stand. Remember to engage and sink into the stretch of your neck and throat, allowing for any blockages to pass through.
Third Eye Chakra – Ajna ChakraÂ
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Location: Between the brows / forehead
Your Third Eye Chakra, possibly the most well-known chakra, rules your intuition, perception, and wisdom – influencing your physical and spiritual vision, and your mental clarity. When your Anja Chakra is imbalanced, you may feel lost in who you are and what path you’re on.Â
Postures to activate your Anja Chakra are Child’s Pose, Dolphin Pose, or Seated Forward Fold. Check in with your breath here, allowing it to center you and ground you.
Crown Chakra – Sahasrara Chakra
Color: Violet / White
Element: Cosmic energy
Location: Top of the head
Your Crown Chakra guides your spiritual connection, consciousness, and universal enlightenment, influencing your brain and nervous system. Think of your Sahasrara Chakra as the balance of your moods and overall mental health.Â
Postures to stimulate your Sahasrara Chakra are Lotus Pose, Headstand, and Corpse Pose. Focus here on your stillness, equally engaging the physical and meditative aspects of each pose.
This is just the tip of the iceberg with your chakras! However, with a foundational understanding of the chakras and their impacts on your wellbeing, you’ll be better equipped to listen to your body, care for it with intention, and transform your yoga practice. Beyond the mat – exploring your chakras will help you to gain deeper self-awareness and live a more mindful, balanced life.Â
If you’re looking for sequence suggestions or have any more chakra questions – feel free to reach out to us at!Â
Keep practicing!
the Koh Collective