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Riley Tarnol

The Beginning of YogaKoh’s 2024 Bali Yoga Teacher Training!

After months of eager anticipation, YogaKoh is ecstatic to announce the beginning of our Bali Sea-to-Sky 200hr teacher training!

In the early afternoon on Sunday, June 2nd, our students sprinkled into the breathtaking Sehuli Wellness Retreat in Canggu, bringing their bags, yoga mats, and beaming smiles. The glowing, white walls, bamboo architecture, refreshing pool, and lush greenery makes Sehuli a spiritual paradise for our students to blossom and thrive throughout their two weeks here. Greeted with fresh coconuts and the warm energy of the lovely Balinese custodians, chatter arose between the students who all journeyed here with the same purpose: to deepen their practice, learning more about yoga and about themselves than ever imaginable. 

Sehuli Retreat pool

As the late afternoon set in, our students, teachers, and team joined together on the yoga deck for a welcome ceremony. Seated in a circle around a magical display of colorful flowers, each person was given the space to introduce themselves and the journey that brought them here. Bruce, our primary instructor, lead the group through an opening mediation, focusing on listening, breathing, and setting intentions for the month of movement and education to come!

yoga students sitting together

Following our introductions, the group migrated downstairs to participate in a Balinese blessing ceremony, where the incredible women who run Sehuli Retreat dressed us in traditional Balinese clothing. We were fortunate enough to have a priest join our group, leading us through a full body cleanse, upacara penglukatan dan pebersihan, which translates from Indonesian into ‘wounding and cleansing ceremonies’. It was a beautiful and surreal experience, immediately bonding our group together before our first dinner!

traditional Balinese blessing ceremony

students and staff dressed in Balinese clothing

Dinner was divine! The extravagant display of food, from rice to chicken to mushrooms to salad, filled the hungry bellies of our students after their long day. Lively conversations arose as our students began to open up to their peers, getting to know the people they will be spending the next month with – creative, like-minded individuals, who are striving for personal and educational growth – people like themselves.

traditional Balinese feast

A sweet treat was served, and the conversations began to die down as our students retired to their rooms to get a good night's sleep in preparation for day one of their training. Everyone will reconnect on Monday at 7am to participate in the daily two-hour morning practice!

outdoor yoga studio

Our orientation was nothing short of perfect. Our mission is more than just transforming students into teachers – we want to learn from them and grow alongside them, deepening our practice and appreciation for yoga, as well as producing phenomenal teachers. The YogaKoh team is overwhelmed with gratitude for our students, our teachers, our alumni, and the families that support our Koh-mmunity, and we cannot wait to watch the evolution of our trainees unfold. 

Make sure to connect with us on our social media to see the behind-the-scenes of our curriculum! And come back tomorrow to meet our students and read all about our incredible first day of training!

Keep practicing!

-- YogaKoh

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